Walk Audit Reports
In 2016/17, Cupertino Safe Routes to School (SR2S) worked with each public school in Cupertino to develop a list of infrastructure improvements that would make walking and biking safer, and drop-off and pick-up smoother. In 2019, Apple, Inc. provided the City a grant to cover the cost of implementing all the improvements which lie on the City's right of way. In 2019/20, SR2S worked with each school to update the list and categorize items into three tiers:
- Tier 1 items include improvements such as installing flexible post bollards, crosswalks, signs, yield lines (shark teeth), "Keep Clear" markings, and vegetation trimming
- Tier 2 items can be done in-house, but require more coordination or are more expensive than Tier 1 items, such as installing rectangular rapid flashing beacons
- Tier 3 items require traffic studies, designs drawings, concrete work, and/or an outside contractor to construct them, such as the installation of sidewalks, ADA-compliant curb ramps, speed bumps, stop sign warrant studies, crossing guard warrant studies, and multi-use paths
Tier 1 and 2 items are almost complete, and Tier 3 items are currently being coordinated. The City expects to complete all Walk Audit work by the end of summer 2022, assuming COVID restrictions have lifted enough to allow for the traffic studies that are required for some of the projects.
Here is a master list of all Walk Audit Recommendations and their status:
Master List of Walk Audit Recommendations and Status(PDF, 141KB) (updated May 2022)
Note: the recommendations in the master list may differ slightly from the original recommendations for a school. This is because when we reviewed the recommendations with schools in 2019/20, some items on the list were no longer deemed necessary or were replaced by another recommendation.
To see the original report and map of recommendations developed for each school in 2016/17, see below.
- Cupertino High School Memo(PDF, 44KB)
- Collins Elementary Memo(PDF, 40KB)
- Eaton Elementary Memo(PDF, 36KB)
- Faria Elementary Memo(PDF, 39KB)
- Garden Gate Elementary Memo(PDF, 44KB)
- Homestead High School Memo(PDF, 50KB)
- Hyde Middle School Memo(PDF, 49KB)
- Kennedy Middle Memo(PDF, 40KB)
- Lawson Middle Memo(PDF, 46KB)
- MVHS and Lincoln Combined Report Memo(PDF, 51KB)
- Regnart Elementary Memo(PDF, 41KB)
- Sedgwick Elementary Memo(PDF, 44KB)
- Stevens Creek Elementary Memo(PDF, 40KB)