November 14, 2022: County Supervisor Joe Simitian issues statement regarding Lehigh Southwest's decision not to restart cement production at its Permanente Plant(PDF, 209KB).
June 7, 2022: The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors will receive a report prepared by County staff that outlines the 10-year history of recorded violations at Lehigh(PDF, 297KB). Please see 06/07/2022 meeting agenda for additional details.
November 2021 Postponed: County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisor meeting to consider vested rights determination has been requested by Lehigh to be on "hold". A new date for consideration of this item has not been determined. More details to follow as they are available.
September 23, 2021 Cancelled: The County of Santa Clara Planning Commission will be considering an appeal of the July 9, 2021 incompleteness determination by the Department of Planning and Development relating to a concurrent land use application, consisting of a Use Permit, Architecture and Site Approval, and Reclamation Plan Amendment, for an existing surface mine at Stevens Creek Quarry.
Meeting time is 1:30-5pm. Details on how to attend the meeting can be found on the attached notice; project related documents can be found on the Notice of Public Hearing(PDF, 217KB), partway down the page. The County staff report for this item will be posted on the 09/23/2021 meeting page approximately 7 days prior to the meeting
Stevens Creek Quarry Inc. (SCQ) has withdrawn their appeal of the County’s July 9, 2021 determination that SCQ’s Use Permit w/ASA and Reclamation Plan Amendment application is incomplete. As a result, the appeal hearing scheduled for September 23, 2021 before the Planning Commission will not occur, and SCQ’s application remains incomplete.
August 26, 2021: Staff Report(PDF, 395KB) to Planning Commission Regarding Stevens Creek Quarry Zoning Interpretation Applicaiton.
August 11, 2021: Letter to Stevens Creek Quarry regarding Notice of Violation(PDF, 2MB)
6/15/2021: SCC Court Filing(PDF, 1MB) – Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Defendants' Demurrer to the First Amended Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Complaint for Declaratory Relief.
June 24, 2021: The County of Santa Clara Planning Commission will be considering a Zoning Interpretation(PDF, 214KB) if importation and processing of unprocessed material is an allowed use at the Stevens Creek Quarry on June 24, 2021. Meeting time is 1:30-5pm. Details on how to attend the meeting can be found on the attached notice; project related documents can be found on the County of Santa Clara Department of Planning and Development Stevens Creek Quarry page, partway down the page. The County staff report for this item will be posted on the 06/24/2021 meeting page approximately 7 days prior to the meeting
October 20, 2020: Notice of Preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Permanente Creek Restoration Project(PDF, 2MB).
October 20, 2020: County of Santa Clara Staff Report regarding Stevens Creek Quarry Oversight(PDF, 183KB)
September 2020: First Amendment to Compliance Agreement and Stipulated Order to Comply(PDF, 595KB)
February 13, 2019: Request to consolidate Leigh's Major Reclamation Plan Amendment applications(PDF, 158KB)
August 29, 2019: Notice of Complete letter(PDF, 419KB)
City Comment: Lehigh submitted two major reclamation plan amendments to the County. This notice of complete letter is for proposed changes to utility roads. The application for proposed changes to add an additional quarry pit, import of fill and ridge line modifications remains outstanding and incomplete. The County finding of completeness does NOT mean this application is approved. It means that County has received the needed information to review the application and that opportunities for public input will follow.
October 23, 2019: Letter to Stevens Creek Quarry regarding the Use Permit and Reclamation Plan Amendment Pre-Application submitted May 31, 2019(PDF, 475KB)
August 29, 2019: Notice of Complete Letter(PDF, 419KB)
July 22, 2019: Notice of Incomplete Letter dated July 22, 2019 to Lehigh's Major Reclamation Plan Application dated May 22, 2019(PDF, 473KB)
June 13, 2019: Notice of Violation and Public Nuisance issued to Lehigh Southwest Cement Company(PDF, 356KB)
April 29, 2019: County letter in response to Lehigh Reclamation Plan Amendment dated March 25, 2019(PDF, 315KB)
February 21, 2019: Video of Santa Clara County Housing, Land Use, Environment, and Transportation
February 25, 2019: Notice of Violation and Public Nuisance(PDF, 153KB)
February 21, 2019: County of Santa Clara HLUET Meeting Agenda(PDF, 14MB)
August 17, 2018: Notice of Violation(PDF, 6MB)
February 8, 2011: Lehigh Vested Rights Map(PDF, 4MB)