Student Travel Reports

Student Travel Mode Share Data

Cupertino Safe Routes to School collects data every year on how students travel to and from school using an in-class survey. Teachers ask their students how they traveled to and from school during a specific week using a Travel Tally Questionnaire developed by the National Safe Routes to School Partnership.

School Commute Survey

The school commute survey is conducted periodically with the goal of understanding why families are making the transportation choices that they are. Parents are asked to fill out a survey that is based on the National Safe Routes to School Partnership Parent Survey.

School Year 2023 - 2024: Mode Share Data

2023 Fall Student Travel Tally History.png




School Year 2022 - 2023: Mode Share Data and School Commute Survey

School Year 2021 - 2022: Mode Share Data

School Year 2020 - 2021: Mode Share Data

Travel Data was not collected due to students sheltering at home for most of the school year

School Year 2019 - 2020: Mode Share Data

School Year 2016 - 2017: Mode Share Data

Spring Travel Data

Fall Travel Data

For more information about Cupertino Safe Routes to School travel data, please contact