Library Expansion Project


On November 19, 2019, the City Council unanimously approved the project with $8 million in funding. This is an exciting addition that will enhance the library's ability to meet the current and future needs of Cupertino residents.

The Cupertino Library has enjoyed a level of success unmatched by any library in the Santa Clara County Library District system. More than 904,000 people visited the Cupertino Library between July 2018 and June 2019. That number is expected to increase to nearly a million visitors in the coming years.

The existing one-story, southern portion of the building will be demolished and a 5,600-square-foot, two-story addition will be constructed and connected to the existing library. The first and second floors have large multi-purpose rooms that will be used for library programs for all ages, spill-over study spaces, and other community uses.

The much needed new space will allow the library to fulfill its mission of encouraging life-long learning and self-improvement. The expanded library will connect the beloved Memorial Grove to a new courtyard, and physically establish a center for the library.

For more details on the project, review the project fact sheet(PDF, 2MB).

Project Description

Two story 5,600 square foot addition in the area of the existing Children's Book Area that will include the following essential program requirements:

  • 130-seat minimum audience capacity with presentation space
  • Spillover seating 
  • Flexible space (room can be divided and used for multiple programs simultaneously)
  • Kitchenette
  • Supplemental storage

On July 29, 2020, four shortlisted “Design-Build Entity” (DBE) firms submitted proposals. These firms were:

The City used a selection process to select a DBE, as further specified in California Public Contract Code section 22164, that included each DBE firms proposal being evaluated for responsiveness. One firm – Gilbane & Group 4 Architecture was found to be non-responsive and removed from further consideration.  

The three remaining responsive proposals were reviewed and preliminarily scored by the Evaluation Panel, based on the evaluation factors set forth in the Request for Proposals (RFP) and in accordance with the requirements of the RFP. The significant factors considered when evaluating proposals were price, technical design expertise, construction expertise, schedule, proposed design approach, life-cycle costs over 15 or more years, proposed construction approach, the private presentation to the Evaluation Panel (explained below), and responsiveness.

Each of the three remaining DBE teams were invited to participate in a private and confidential videoconference meeting with the Evaluation Panel to present their respective proposals on August 5, 2020.  The presentations were comparatively evaluated based on each DBEs demonstrated understanding of the Project objectives, the DBE’s proposed solutions and approaches to the Project, and the DBE’s ability to communicate effectively. 

As authorized by Public Contract Code section 22164, and as specified in the RFP, the City conducted follow-up discussions and negotiations with the two DBEs with the highest post-presentation scores, in order to negotiate the best value terms for the final Design-Build Contract.

At the conclusion of the follow-up discussions and negotiations, the responsive proposals were ranked based on total scores to identify the proposal that provides the best value to the City pursuant to the evaluation factors set forth in the RFP. The ranking of the firms can be viewed in the Summary Comparison of Responsive Proposals(PDF, 97KB).

Based on the process described above and detailed in the RFP, the responsible DBE, whose proposal received the highest score at the conclusion of the review and evaluation process and will provide the "best value" to the public for the design and construction of the Project (as defined in the RFP and consistent with the applicable Public Contract Code requirements) is Rodan Builders, Inc. ("Rodan"). Pricing was one of the most important factors for scoring the proposals. 

Of the responsive DBEs, only Rodan submitted a proposal with a total price that was below the City’s Project estimate of $6,500,000. In addition, their Proposal had no exceptions to the requirements of the RFP. Click on the below to view any of the three responsive proposals evaluated:

The City also successfully negotiated an additional amendment to Rodan's Proposal, including further price reductions, which have been incorporated into the final Design-Build Contract Documents, with a final Contract Price of $6,476,168.  View the Amended Proposal from Rodan here.(PDF, 3MB)

Library Expansion Project DBE Request for Proposals 6-19-2020

Library Expansion Project Update – June 18, 2020(PDF, 96KB)


Conceptual Bridging Document Floor Plan, Updated June 2020(PDF, 926KB)
Conceptual Bridging Document Rendering, Updated June 2020(PDF, 2MB)


Site Plan(PDF, 108KB) 
Two-story Conceptual Design Floor Plan (PDF, 4MB)
Statement of Interest(PDF, 278KB) 
Library Construction Management Services RFQ(PDF, 242KB)
Sample Agreement(PDF, 1MB)


Project Schedule

March 13, 2020– Execute Agreement for Bridging Architect
May 14, 2020– Bridging Documents Due
May 20, 2020– Issue Request for Proposal to Design-Build Firms
July 29, 2020– Proposals Received from Short-listed Design-Build Firms
August 2020– Design-Build Agreement Approved by Council
February 2021– Construction Begins
December 2021– Construction Complete


Project Updates

December 31, 2021

Work continued on the Library Expansion project although progress was affected by the weather and pandemic. Painting, flooring, electrical fixtures, restroom finishes with plumbing fixtures, and wood ceiling installation were the main focuses during December. Other work included audio/visual and security installations.

The Art Wall and Donor Wall installations will begin in February


November 30, 2021

November focused on the completion of major interior systems including electrical, ventilation, plumbing, and fire sprinklers. The most noticeable progress is the installation of the rooftop HVAC units, interior gypsum wall boards (substrates for the finishes) and the exterior curtainwall. Interior work is currently focused on finishes, fixture trims for lighting, audio visual equipment, and door systems. The wiring for electrical, audio visual, low powered items, and security has been pulled. 

The designs for the Art Wall and Donor Wall are finalized and procurement is underway.

Project completion is scheduled for the end of January 2022, pending delivery and installation of a few items impacted by ‘supply chain’ issues (COVID-19 factors).


November 2, 2021

October focused on the completion of the interior rough structure, including interior walls & supporting structures, electrical, security system, and insulation and drywall. The ventilation equipment was completed and is ready for to be installed and and inspected next week. Temporary ducting was replaced by new ducting. Curtain structures are halfway complete.

Exterior work, including all wall and parapet framing, all roof level penetrations, and ventilation conduits were completed. Parking lot area improvements, including new EV Charger’s electrical, walkways, and added ADA ramps, have been completed. Contractor fixed all unforeseen irrigation and low voltage lines unearth during site work. 

Upcoming work for November will focus on drywall taping, wirepull, curtain wall with glazing, ventilation rooftop units, ceiling install, stucco and door install, and air wall.

Following the updated construction schedule, the project is still expected to be completed in late January 2022.


September 1, 2021

The Cupertino Library Expansion project is full steam ahead. In August, the construction team began framing the interior walls and stairs, placing plumbing pipes and electrical conduits, installing the fire sprinkler system, and HVAC ductwork installation began. In September, in-wall plumbing and electrical work begins, interior and exterior wall framing will finish, and the roofing and window wall installations will begin.


August 2, 2021

If the flags look a little like party streamers, it's because the City celebrated a milestone this month as part of the Cupertino Library Expansion. The installation of the structural steel frame was completed and concrete was poured in the second floor. This month, the City will begin framing the interior walls and installing the infrastructure for plumbing and electrical systems.


July 20, 2021

This past month the sewer and water lines, electrical wiring, drainage gravel, and more were placed along with reinforced steel and concrete flooring. The structural steel frame installation (as shown in the image) also began in June. 

In July, the structural steel frame installation will continue, and second-floor concrete will be installed. In August, the roofing will be installed, and the wall framing will begin. The project is expected to be completed in January 2022. 


June 15, 2021

This month a good deal of work went into building the foundations: digging out trenches for proper support to the ground, moving existing and placing new underground pipes, forming and placing the molds for the concrete, putting the reinforcement steel in place, setting the steel fasteners, and finally pouring the concrete. In June, the plumbing under the concrete on the first floor and electrical conduits will be installed, and the first layer of the foundation will be formed and poured in place. In July, the structural steel frame will be installed on top of the steel columns and beams.


May 5, 2021

The Cupertino Library has been abuzz with activity as the expansion project moved into its second month. Existing infrastructure was rerouted and work continued on the foundation. The month of May promises to be exciting as reinforcing steel will be installed and steel anchor bolts set in place in the foundation.


April 1, 2021

Construction on the Library Expansion project is well on its way. This past month, the interior finishes and exterior structure were removed. This next month will include work on the foundation.











More Information

Library Expansion Meeting Minutes



Cupertino Library Expansion Tour with Cupertino Mayor Darcy Paul and Congressman Ro Khanna


Cupertino Library Expansion Tour Part II