All-Inclusive Playground Feasibility Study
In Fiscal Year 2017-2018, the City of Cupertino funded a study to determine the feasibility of implementing an all-inclusive playground as part of its Capital Improvement Program. The study focused on potentially suitable park sites and evaluated them in detail. Draft study results, which were presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission in June 2018, concluded that Jollyman Park was the top site for an all-inclusive playground. The Commission endorsed this finding and received additional information in August 2018, including preliminary costs and potential conceptual designs.
Santa Clara County initiated an All-Inclusive Playground Grant (AIPG) Program in 2017, and awarded a first round of grants in January 2018. In September 2018, the County invited applications from all districts for a second round of funding for all-inclusive playgrounds, with $2 million available per district.
In October 2018, the Cupertino City Council authorized staff to submit an application to the County’s AIPG grant program to request funding for an all-inclusive playground at Jollyman Park. In December 2018, the County Board of Supervisors authorized grant awards. Cupertino’s application ranked well (as the highest-scoring in its district and one of the top two countywide). The Board of Supervisors authorized a grant award to Cupertino of $1,448,201. The City’s matching contribution will be $1.2 million. The balance of the project cost would be provided through fundraising and donations.
All-Inclusive Playground Feasibility Study(PDF, 14MB)
All-Inclusive Playground Grant Application.(PDF, 11MB)
June 7, 2018 - Parks and Recreation Commission receives presentation of draft feasibility study and provides feedback. Commission endorses finding that Jollyman Park is the highest-ranked site.
August 2, 2018 - Parks and Recreation Commission receives presentation of feasibility study, preliminary costs and conceptual layouts for an all-inclusive playground at Jollyman Park.
October 2, 2018 - City Council authorizes grant application to County of Santa Clara’s All-Inclusive Playground Grant Program to fund an all-inclusive playground at Jollyman Park.
December 18, 2018 - County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors authorizes award of $1.448 million grant towards implementing an all-inclusive playground at Jollyman Park.