City Channel

Comcast Cable Channel 26

AT&T U-verse Channel 99

City Channel Live Stream (High Quality HD Stream)

About the City Channel

The City Channel, the City of Cupertino's government access television channel (Comcast Cable Channel 26 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99), was the first government channel to begin operations in Santa Clara County. Established in 1982, the City's Video Division began televising city council and planning commission meetings in January 1983. Since then, the channel has grown into a vital information resource for the community, providing Cupertino residents with a wide variety of locally produced and acquired programming.

City of Cupertino YouTube Channel
(View Live and On Demand Content)

City Channel Live Stream
(Live Broadcast for Desktop and Mobile Devices – includes Programming Schedule)

City Meeting YouTube Channel
(Live and On Demand Videos of City Commission Meetings)