Local Responsibility Area Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps

To more accurately reflect the zones in California that are susceptible to wildfire, CAL Fire has published revised Local Responsibility Area (LRA) Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps that impact community members located in and near the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). LRA maps identify properties located in the moderate, high, and very high fire hazard severity zones. Each designation is based on consistent statewide criteria and on the severity of fire hazard that is expected to prevail in those areas, along with other criteria such as fuel loading, slope, fire weather, and other relevant factors. The City of Cupertino is required to adopt an Ordinance consistent with the designations outlined in these maps. 


You are invited to review the map and provide public comment to firemaps@cupertino.gov. For more information on LRA maps, please refer to the CAL Fire informational webpage at https://fire-hazard-severity-zones-rollout-calfire-forestry.hub.arcgis.com/pages/about-fhsz-in-lra.

Residences that were previously not in areas designated as moderate, high, or very high fire hazard severity zones may now be. This provides some benefits such as access to resources not previously available to them (creating Firewise communities, participating in community chipping programs, etc.). These are State maps (not within County Fire's ability to change) and previously, local agencies were able to opt-out of adopting an Ordinance accepting the LRA maps. The State has removed that option, and adoption is now mandated.

How might these maps impact fire insurance for properties that will now be located in "formally adopted" fire hazard severity zones?

The finalized maps will not have an impact on insurance, as insurance agencies use their own modeling independent of SRA (State Responsibility Area) and LRA (Local Responsibility Area) maps. The more accurate risk information enables homeowners and communities to reduce their wildfire risks which may lead to a discounted insurance premiums. 

Next Steps for the City of Cupertino
  • The City is required to adopt an Ordinance accepting the LRA Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps. 
  • The City and other public safety partners will use the maps to guide future resiliency and planning efforts such as the Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan and the West Santa Clara Landscape Resiliency Project. 

Cupertino Fire Hazard Severity Zones 2025.png