Applicants submit timely and complete grant applications by February 1.
City Staff reviews application for completeness and compliance eligibility.
Applications will then be forwarded to the Parks and Recreation Commission to be evaluated and sorted into the tiered funding structure. All applicants will be notified and invited to attend the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting where their applications will be discussed. This meeting typically takes place in Spring.
City Council will make the final decision on grant amounts for each applicant as part of the budget adoption which typically happens in June. All applicants will be notified and invited to attend the City Council Meeting where their applications will be discussed.
Grant recipients shall submit a written report to the Parks and Recreation Department to show proof that the grant funds have been spent in the manner and for the purposes stated on the application, including information about the number of persons served and other results that benefit Cupertino.
Due by the 15th business day of July following the Fiscal Year in which grant funds are disbursed.
Failure to submit a written report by the July deadline could result in the loss of grant funding eligibility in the future.
Applicants will be expected to reimburse the City any funding awarded and not used for their program/project/event.
The Parks and Recreation Commission will review the grant applications and make a recommendation to the City Council. City Council will consider the Community Funding Grant requests at their Budget Study Session in May and make final grant award decisions at the Budget Adoption in June. If awarded, grant funds will be provided in July.
It is strongly encouraged that applicants attend the meetings where applications are being considered to answer any questions that may arise. Applicants will be notified with exact dates once the meetings have been confirmed.