State Route 85 Express Lane

Related Press Releases

Comment Letter and Exhibits

City of Cupertino SR 85 Comment Letter

  • Exhibit A – MRO Engineers Report
  • Exhibit B – Performance Agreement between City of Cupertino and Santa Clara County Traffic Authority, January 24, 1989
  • Exhibit C – Measure A Official Ballot, County of Santa Clara, General Election, November 7, 2000
  • Exhibit D – Report on Status of Rubberized Asphalt Traffic Noise Reduction in Sacramento County, Bollard & Brennan, Inc.
  • Exhibit E – Caltrans Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol, May 2011
  • Exhibit F – Sound Fighter Systems Report – Absorptive v Reflective Noise Barriers
  • Exhibit G – California Air Resource Board, Air Quality and Land Use Handbook: A Community Health Perspective Excerpts, 2005
  • Exhibit H – AASHTO Report Excerpts, Analyzing, Documenting, and Communicating the Impacts of Mobile Source Air Toxic Emissions in the NEPA Process (March 2007)
  • Exhibit I – Growing Cooler: Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change, Urban Land Institute
  • Exhibit J – CAPCOA-(introduction and Appendix G), CEQA and Climate Change
  • Exhibit K – Draft NEPA Guidance on Consideration of Effects of Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions