Crossing Guards

The City of Cupertino contracts with All City Management Services, Inc. to provide crossing guard services for students getting to and from school. 

How are guards funded?

Funding for crossing guard services is provided by the City's general fund, with additional contributions from the Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD) and Cupertino Union School District (CUSD). In total, these funds cover the cost of 16 crossing guards.

How are crossing guard locations determined?

The City's Transportation Division conducts crossing guard warrant studies approximately every two years to determine the best locations for crossing guard services. Locations are ranked according to number of pedestrians, pedestrian/vehicle conflicts and traffic evaluation. Crossing guards are then placed at the highest-ranking locations following discussions with the City’s partners at CUSD and FUHSD.

How can I request a crossing guard?

For more information, or to request that a location be studied for crossing guard services, contact Your location will be included for evaluation in the next warrant study, anticipated in fall 2024.

Crossing Guard Locations for School Years 2023/24 and 2024/25

Below is a map and table of all the locations that crossing guards will serve during the 2023/24 and 2024/25 school years. To zoom in on a location, go to the City's interactive Safe Routes to School map.


Locations 2023-24 map


Schools Served Intersection
Collins Elementary N Blaney Avenue / Forest Avenue
Collins Elementary &
Lawson Middle
N Blaney Avenue / Merritt Drive
Cupertino High Stevens Creek Boulevard / Finch Avenue
Cupertino High Calle de Barcelona / Finch Avenue
Faria Elementary Barbara Lane / Pepper Tree Lane
Garden Gate Elementary Greenleaf Drive / N Stelling Road
Kennedy Middle &
Lincoln Elementary
Bubb Road / Hyannisport Drive
Kennedy Middle &
Monta Vista High &
Lincoln Elementary
Hyannisport Drive / Fort Baker Drive
Lincoln Elementary &
Kennedy Middle &
Monta Vista High
McClellan Road / Bubb Road
Hyde Middle Hyde Avenue / Willowgrove Lane
Lawson Middle Vista Drive / Merritt Drive
Lawson Middle Vista Drive / Stevens Creek Boulevard
Lincoln Elementary McClellan Road / Lincoln Frontage
Lincoln Elementary &
Monta Vista High
McClellan Road / Orange Avenue
Stevens Creek Elementary Ainsworth Drive / Bahl Street
Sedgwick Elementary Barnhart Avenue / Tantau Avenue