McClellan Road Separated Bike Corridor
Project Overview
In partnership with the Cupertino Union School District and Fremont Union High School District, the McClellan Road Separated Bike Lanes Project aimed to create a safer environment for students, families, and residents, particularly those who biked to school and work.
This multi-phase project involved the installation of Class IV separated bike lanes along McClellan Road and Pacifica Drive, from Byrne Avenue to Torre Avenue.
Phase 1: Completed in February 2020, constructed separated bike lanes on McClellan Road between Imperial Avenue and Stelling Road.
Phase 2: Completed in April 2021, extended the separated bike lanes from Stelling Road to De Anza Boulevard on McClellan Road, and from De Anza Boulevard to Torre Avenue on Pacifica Drive.
Phase 3: Completed in June 2024, made enhancements to the De Anza Boulevard intersection and finalized the McClellan Road Separated Bikeways Project.
Grant Funding
The City of Cupertino was awarded $1 million for construction of the project through the Vehicle Emissions Reductions Based at Schools (VERBS) Program administered by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) One Bay Area Safe Routes to School Program.
The City received $140,822 funding from the Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) program for various phases of the project.
Before & After Comparison
Visit the City's StoryMap for before and after views of the project.