Senate Bill 1 (SB-1) Projects


The City of Cupertino Releases SB Local Street and Road Improvement Project List

Phase 1 of the City of Cupertino's annual pavement maintenance project is scheduled to begin Tuesday, September 3rd.  The contract, which was awarded to G Bortolotto & Co., will resurface approximately 7 miles of residential roads within the City. Work will occur in phases over a period of several days.  Work may include asphalt edge grinding, an asphalt leveling course and placement of pavement fabric followed by a final asphalt overlay.  A tentative schedule is provided below.  Please note the schedule is subject to change due to weather delays, equipment malfunctions, or other unforeseen circumstances.  

Phase 1 Project Schedule & Map(PDF, 2MB)

The Phase 2 Project will place rubberized chip seal and/or micro-surfacing on residential streets and will begin October 1st.  Both projects are partially funded by the states 2017 Senate Bill 1 (SB1).  A full street list for both Phase 1 and Phase 2 can be found below.

Phase 2 Project Schedule(PDF, 111KB)

2019 Pavement Maintenance Street List(PDF, 258KB)

Other Documents

SB1 Frequently Asked Questions(PDF, 419KB)

B1 The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017(PDF, 231KB)

Statewide SB1 Project Map