5/23/2024: In April, Construction for the project got underway. During the initial phases of the repair work to mitigate roadway embankment distress and slope failures, operations have revealed additional safety concerns that require a change in the drilling method. To minimize further compromise to the roadway section and preserve worker and resident safety, Brannon Corporation will start regularly scheduled, intermittent road closures of up to 25 minutes in duration, Monday through Friday, starting on Tuesday, May 28. This will continue until drilling operations are completed, which are anticipated to be completed in mid-June. The Notice (posted below) is being distributed to the residents, motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists in the area. In short, between the hours of 9am and 4pm, the road will be open for approximately 5 minutes at the top of the hour (e.g. 9:00 – 9:05am) and at the half-hour (e.g. 9:30 – 9:35am). Brannon Corporation and the City of Cupertino, Department of Public Works, apologize for any inconvenience due to these activities.
05/23/2024 Notice to Regnart Road Residents(PDF, 110KB)
The City of Cupertino has initiated a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project that continues the stabilization efforts along Regnart Road and compliments the 2017 Outfall Repair and Slope Stabilization project and the Retaining wall project. Proposed improvements include additional drainage structures, regrading/repaving the road to drain towards the creek, slope stabilization and erosion control measures.
The City’s contractor, Brannon Corporation, began construction on the Regnart Road Phase 1 Improvements Project on April 15 with anticipated project completion by July 5.
Residents on project streets have received a five-day advance notice and a two-day reminder notification before the actual work began. Streets may be closed with one-way traffic control. Please be aware that there may be construction activities that cause traffic delays. Brannon Corporation will make every effort to maintain normal traffic access and minimize disruption in the neighborhood. Where “No Parking” signs are posted, please make sure to park your vehicles on adjacent streets or elsewhere as needed.
Questions regarding the project can be directed to the City’s Public Works Capital Improvement Programs Manager, Susan Michael, at SusanM@cupertino.gov or (408) 777-1328.