Lawrence-Mitty Park and Trial Master Plan


For many years the City of Cupertino has worked towards the acquisition of the 7.83-acre site located west of Lawrence Expressway and to the east of Saratoga Creek, known as Lawrence-Mitty. The property was historically used for agriculture and beginning in the 1970’s the property was used for construction stockpile storage and staging by the Santa Clara County Roads and Airports Department. The City acquired the Lawrence-Mitty site and annexed the property from San Jose into Cupertino’s jurisdiction.

The City is developing the site as a park facility which will include an extension of the San Tomas Aquino – Saratoga Creek Trail. As a first step in its development, the City produced a master plan that reflects community needs and the goals laid out in the 2020 Parks and Recreation System Master Plan. Throughout the development of the Master Plan the City worked with the public, numerous commissions, and the City Council to solicit input and ideas on design and amenities to provide at the site. 

The products of the Master Plan phase will be a Conceptual Design and a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND). In the tabs below you will find the draft conceptual design documents, the draft MND and other historical documents from the design process.

The project’s Draft MND is available beginning on Monday, February 12 and will be available for review and comment by the public and all interested persons, agencies, and organizations for a period of 30 days, ending on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 5 p.m. pacific standard time. All comments on the Draft MND must be received in writing by that date.

Community Outreach

The Lawrence-Mitty Park and Trail Project was an agenda item at the following meetings. Please check the Agenda's and Minutes page to view minutes and recordings of these meetings.

  • Special joint Commission Meeting on Lawrence-Mitty Master Plan, June 13, 2022
  • Cupertino City Council Meeting, July 19, 2022
  • Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, November 17, 2022

You can also view the Engage Cupertino webpage regarding Lawrence-Mitty for more information HERE.

Upcoming Public Meetings

The project is tentatively scheduled to be considered at the meetings noted below. Verify the agendas in the week prior on the Agendas & Minutes webpage. 

  • Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: May 2, 2024, Quinlan Social Room, 7 p.m.
  • Planning Commission Meeting: May 14, 2024, Council Chamber, 6:45 p.m.
  • City Council Meeting: June 4, 2024, Council Chamber, 6:45 p.m.