Residential Planning Requirements

Zoning districts and the corresponding Zoning Ordinance determine what can be built on your property and which uses are allowed on your property. Zoning dictates the number of residential units that are allowed, as well as their size, height, setbacks and other features. Note: Properties may be subject to multiple zoning designations. Use the zoning tools to determine all applicable designations.

Residential zones include:

  • Planned Development (P) Zones
    The Planned Development (P) Zoning District allows flexibility to property owners and developers to propose any form of residential or mixed-use development. All improvements in this zoning district will need Homeowners' Association approval in addition to permits from the City.

The Zoning Ordinance also regulates:

Projects are subject to planning permit fees per the City's adopted Fee Schedule for that fiscal year. In addition, projects are subject to mitigation fees such as residential mitigation impact fees (BMR) fee, parkland dedication of land and/or in-lieu of dedication fees, storm drain fees, and transportation impact fees (TIF). Projects are also subject to fees imposed by the following Special Districts. Links to their fees are below: