

For any development or construction, the first step is to determine the zoning district for your property

Your zoning district and the corresponding Zoning Ordinance in the Cupertino Municipal Code determines what can be built on your property and which uses are allowed on your property. Zoning dictates how much development, including the number of residential units, is allowed, as well as the size of development, height, setbacks and other features.

Please note that there may be overlay zoning applicable to your property. Please visit City Maps and use the Gridics tool to determine these. Documents related to the overlay plans are linked through Gridics.

Non-Residential Zoning District Types

General Commercial (CG) Zoning District
The General Commercial zoning ordinance regulates retailing and service establishments that offer goods and services to the general public and ancillary office uses.
General Commercial (CG) Zone Ordinance

Light Industrial (ML) Zoning District
The Light Industrial zoning ordinance regulates certain industrial uses which are incompatible with commercial and residential uses.
Light Industrial (ML) Zone Ordinance

Administrative and Professional Office (OA) Zoning District
The Professional Office (OA) zoning ordinance regulates development of office space together with necessary landscaping and off-street parking facilities.
Professional Office (OA) Zone Ordinance

Planned Development (P) Zoning District
The Planned Development (P) Zoning District allows flexibility to property owners and developers to propose any form of development from residential projects to commercial and office projects or mixed use projects. The ordinance lays out the approval process for development in this zoning district.
Planned Development (P) Zone Ordinance

Other Zoning Districts
In addition to the Zoning Districts above, the City also has:

Mixed-Use Zoning District Types

Planned Development (P) Zoning District
The Planned Development (P) Zoning District allows flexibility to property owners and developers to propose any form of development from residential projects to commercial and office projects or mixed use projects. The ordinance lays out the approval process for development in this zoning district.
Planned Development (P) Zone Ordinance

Planning Permit

Use the Planning Application Form(PDF, 409KB) to begin the process to obtain development approval for your project.

Projects are subject to planning permit fees per the City's adopted Fee Schedule for that fiscal year. In addition, projects are subject to mitigation fees such as residential mitigation impact fees (BMR) fee, parkland dedication of land and/or in-lieu of dedication fees, storm drain fees, transportation impact fees (TIF). Fee schedules are available online at: Finance Department.

Projects are also subject to fees imposed by the following Special Districts. Links to their fees are below:


Apply for a tree removal permit before you cut down any protected trees! It is costlier to apply for a permit retroactively.


Need a permanent or temporary sign for your business? Visit the Sign Information page for more details.

Special Events

Have a special event, such as a church festival or a summer bbq at your work place? A Special Events Permit from the City will ensure you don't run afoul of any requirements from the Building Department or the Fire Department. Please visit the Special Event Information page for details.

Wireless Communications Facilities

For development regulations and permitting requirements for cellular antennae and similar equipment, please visit the Wireless Communications Facilities page.


For information about parking, visit Non-Residential Parking.

Non-Residential Landscaping

In general, projects that involve the removal and replacement of any amount of landscaping in non-residential zones must comply with the requirements of the City's Landscape Ordinance. Please visit the Non-Residential Landscaping page for details.


Fences in non-residential areas are regulated by Chapter 19.48 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. Fences in non-residential and mixed use zones require design review prior to installation.