Non-Residential Parking

Every property is required to provide a minimum number of parking spaces for the different types of businesses located on their property. The minimum requirements are defined in the Parking Ordinance.

The following table provides a short summary of the parking requirements. Please refer to the Parking Ordinance for the complete table. Also, please note that this list is not complete. For uses that are not listed here, the uses closest to the use being proposed will be used. If this is not possible, the applicant may have to provide a parking study to justify a different parking ratio.


Land Use Zones Parking Ratio(2) Bicycle Parking Bicycle Parking Class Stall Dimensions
Churches, Clubs, Lodges, Theaters BQ/CG 1/4 seats +1/employee +1/special-purpose vehicle 2% of seats.
Minimum two spaces
Class II Uni-size
Schools and School Offices BA/BQ 1/employee + 1/56 sq. ft. multipurpose room + 8 visitor spaces/school + 1/3 students at senior H.S. or college level 1 space per 5 students Class II Uni-size
Daycare Centers CG 1/6.5 students Uni-size
Martial Arts, CG Dance/Art/Music Studios, Tutorial Services, specialized schools (does not include adult tutorial schools or services) CG 1/4 students plus 1/1 staff at any given time or 1/250 whichever is more restrictive 1 space per 5 students Class II Uni-size
Agriculture A 2 garage + 2 open n/a n/a 10 x 20 ea.
Sanitariums and Rest Homes BQ 1/doctor +1/3 employees + 1/6 beds n/a n/a Uni-size
Private Recreation FP 1/4 seats + 1/employee 1/5,000 sq. ft.
Minimum two spaces
Class II Uni-size
Gyms, Auditoriums, floor area used Skating Rinks for seating without fixed seats BA/BQ 1/56 sq. ft. purposes + 1/employee 1/5,000 sq. ft.
Minimum two spaces
Class II Uni-size


Land Use Zones Parking Ratio(2) Bicycle Parking Bicycle Parking Class Stall Dimensions
Motels/Hotels/Lodging CG 1/unit + 1/employee (2) (3) 1/20,000 sq. ft. Class II Uni-size
Restaurant/Bar and Nightclubs CG 1/3 seats + 1/employee + 1/36 sq. ft. of dance floor 1/2,000 sq. ft. Class II Uni-size
Restaurants without Separate Bar CG 1/4 seats + 1/employee + 1/36 sq. ft. of dance floor 1/2,000 sq. ft. Class II Uni-size
Restaurant - Fast Food CG 1/3 seats + 1/employee 1/2,000 sq. ft. Class II Uni-size
Specialty Foods CG 1/3 seats or 1/250 sq. ft. whichever is more 1/2,000 sq. ft. Class II Uni-size
Bowling Alleys CG 7/lane + 1/employee 1/5,000 sq. ft. Class II Uni-size
General CG 1/250 sq. ft. 1/1,250 sq. ft. up to 25,000 sq. ft.

1/2,500 sq. ft. between 25,000 – 50,000 sq. ft.

1/5,000 sq. ft. over 50,000 sq. ft.

1/5,000 sq. ft. Bulky Merchandise (5) Class II
Class II Uni-size


Land Use Zones Parking Ratio(2) Bicycle Parking Bicycle Parking Class Stall Dimensions
Manufacturing ML 1/450 sq. ft. 1/12,000 sq. ft. Class I Uni-size
Office/Prototype Manufacturing ML/OA 1/285 sq. ft. 1/1,250 sq. ft. or 1/15 employees, whichever is more restrictive. Class I Uni-size


Land Use Zones Parking Ratio(2) Bicycle Parking Bicycle Parking Class Stall Dimensions
Corporate/ Administrative/General Multi-Tenant CG/OP 1/285 sq. ft. 1/1,250 sq. ft. or 1/15 employees, whichever is more restrictive. Class I Uni-size
Medical and Dental Office CG 1/175 sq. ft. 1/1,250 sq. ft. Class II Uni-size

Parking Analysis

You may have to provide a parking analysis to illustrate that enough parking is available to meet the parking requirements. Use this handout to prepare a parking analysis: How to conduct a Parking Analysis(PDF, 168KB)