At its August 20, 2019 meeting, the City Council adopted General Plan and Zoning Amendments at the Vallco Shopping District Special Area as follows:
- Resolution No. 19-109 and Resolution No. 19-110: Amendments to the City’s General Plan to reflect that office uses are not permitted within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area and remove the associated office development allocation, set height limits for the area, and make other conforming/clarifying text edits to create density standards to permit up to 457 units with a minimum density of 29.7 units per acre (389 units) and a maximum density of 35 units per acre on designated parcels totaling approximately 13.1 acres within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area; and
- Ordinance No. 19-2188: Amendments to City’s Zoning Map to rezone the 13.1 acres of Vallco Shopping District Special Area to Mixed Use Planned Development with multi-family and general commercial uses (P(R3,CG)) and the remainder of the Special Area (approximately 44.9 acres) to General Commercial; and
- Ordinance No. 19-2187: Amendments to Municipal Code Title 19 to remove references to the former Vallco Town Center Specific Plan and identify development standards for the new P(R3,CG) zoning designation in Chapter 19.80.
Environmental review for these actions was conducted in an Addendum to the Final EIR prepared for the General Plan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning Project (State Clearinghouse No. 2014032007), which was certified on December 4, 2014.
The staff report, resolutions and exhibits are available online for the agenda packet.
The City Council conducted a second reading of the ordinances at its September 3, 2019 meeting.