December 7, 2021 City Manager Update:
CC 12-7-21 CM Larson Vallco Update(DOCX, 21KB)
Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health Oversight*:
SCCDEH Oversight:
On November 2, 2022, Vallco Property Owner LLC (VPO), applied for regulatory oversight for the western portion of the project site with the Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health (SCCDEH) based on concerns outlined by the City in prior communication.
GeoTracker link:
GeoTracker is the RWQCB's data management system for sites that require cleanup, such as Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Sites, Department of Defense Sites, and Cleanup Program Sites, and for various unregulated projects as well as permitted facilities including: Irrigated Lands, Oil and Gas production, operating Permitted USTs, and Land Disposal Sites.
The link to the East Vallco site on the GeoTracker is:
Sign up!! You may also sign up for email alerts from GeoTracker by clicking - GeoTracker Email Alerts
Select Q2 Documents from GeoTracker* (more documents in Soil Investigation Reports and Review tab):
*NOTE: The applicant is submitting documents directly to the Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health for review. The information provided here is for convenience and is a small number of the documents posted on the GeoTracker website. Please visit the GeoTracker link provided above to sign up for updates from GeoTracker for all documents and to get real time updates on the latest activity.
SCCDEH Oversight:
On April 15, 2021,Vallco Property Owner LLC (VPO), applied for regulatory oversight for the western portion of the project site with the Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health (SCCDEH) based on concerns outlined by the City in prior communication.
GeoTracker link:
GeoTracker is the RWQCB's data management system for sites that require cleanup, such as Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Sites, Department of Defense Sites, and Cleanup Program Sites, and for various unregulated projects as well as permitted facilities including: Irrigated Lands, Oil and Gas production, operating Permitted USTs, and Land Disposal Sites.
The link to the Vallco site on the GeoTracker is:
Sign up!! You may also sign up for email alerts from GeoTracker by clicking - GeoTracker Email Alerts
Select Q4 Documents from GeoTracker* (more documents in Soil Investigation Reports and Review tab):
*NOTE: The applicant is submitting documents directly to the Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health for review. The information provided here is for convenience and is a small number of the documents posted on the GeoTracker website. Please visit the GeoTracker link provided above to sign up for updates from GeoTracker for all documents and to get real time updates on the latest activity.
Comments on EMP and Other Environmental Concerns:
City's Letter:
On April 13, 2021, the City's legal representative, Aleshire and Wynder, sent the following letter to Vallco regarding comments on an Excavation Management Plan (EMP) submitted and other Environmental Concerns.
Letter regarding EMP and other Environmental Concerns(PDF, 476KB)
Vallco's Response to City's Letter:
On May 4, 2021, Vallco's legal representative, Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass, sent the following letter to the City in response to the City's letter regarding comments on an Excavation Management Plan (EMP) submitted and other Environmental Concerns.
Vallco's Response to EMP and Environmental Concerns Letter(PDF, 635KB)
Update to City Council (September 7, 2021):
Staff report and Attachments
On September 7, 2021, the City Council received an update on the status of the Vallco SB35 project. The staff report, attachment and other materials are available online at the link below.
September 7, 2021 City Council
Staff Report(PDF, 489KB)
Attachment(PDF, 453KB)
Soil Remediation
Letter from Vallco re: Environmental Review Protocol
On September 17, 2021, Vallco sent a letter to the City regarding their views on the City's role in the Environmental Review Protocol with Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health.
Vallco Letter re: Environmental Review Protocol(PDF, 170KB)
City's Response to Vallco Letter re: Environmental Review Protocol
On September 21, 2021, the City sent a letter to Vallco addressing this matter among other things including project extension.
City's Letter to Vallco re: Project Extension and Environmental Review Protocol(PDF, 600KB)