Apple VP1 (19191 Vallco Parkway)

19191 Vallco Parkway

Location: 19191 Vallco Parkway APN: 316-20-117
Applicant: Apple, Inc.
Property Owner: Apple, Inc.
Architect: STUDIOS Architecture
Status: APPROVED. Building Permits not submitted

Project Data

Lot Size: 7.9 acres
Type: Office Development
Land Use: Commercial / Office/ Residential
Zoning: P(MP,CG)

Application Summary

Development Permit (DP-2021-001) and Architectural and Site Permit (ASA-2021-003) for the redevelopment of an approximate 8 acre site that consists of demolishing an existing 141,024 square foot office building and replacing it with a four story 282,320 square foot building (280,020 square feet of office & 2,300 square feet of commercial), a detached parking structure and associated site improvements; A Tree Removal Permit (TR-2021-020) to allow the removal and replacement of 113 trees.

Final Actions

City Council on April 13, 2023 adopted the following resolutions:

Public Hearings and Project Plans
Public Hearings
Project Plans


19191 Vallco Parkway, Cupertino, CA 95014  View Map

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