Staples/Fontana's/Pizza Hut

Location: 20770, 20830, 20840, & 20850 Stevens Creek Boulevard
Applicant: SummerHill Homes, LLC 
Architect: SDG Architects Inc
Status: SB 330 Preliminary Application submitted: January 29, 2024;Formal Application submitted: July 22, 2024. The application is currently under review.

Project Data:

Lot Size: 2.97 acres
Type: Townhomes (Residential)
Land Use: Commercial / Residential
Zoning: P(CG, Res)

Application Summary

Development of 59 townhome condominium units across eight, three-story buildings and the removal of development trees to replace three existing commercial buildings, on three adjacent parcels, totaling 2.97-acres, located on Stevens Creek Boulevard at the former Staples site, adjacent to the Cupertino Crossroads Shopping Center. A Development Permit (DP-2024-002), Tentative Map (TM-2024-001), Architectural and Site Approval (ASA-2024-005), and Tree Removal Permit (TR-2024-024) are required for this proposal. The proposal requests Density Bonus waivers and incentives.

Final Actions


2024 Application 
Project Plans

Effective January 1, 2023, Government Code Section 65103.5 (SB 1214) limits the distribution of copyrighted material associated with the review of development projects. Members of the public wishing to view plans that cannot otherwise be distributed under SB 1214 may make an appointment with the Planning Division to view them at City Hall by sending an email Plans will also be made available digitally during hearings to consider the proposal.

Public hearings
  • None Scheduled



10145 N. De Anza Blvd, 10118 Bandley Dr, Cupertino, CA 95014  View Map

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