Housing Commission

The Housing Commission consists of five members appointed by the City Council to four year terms. The Housing Commission is required to hold at least one regular meeting each quarter. Meetings are held at 9:00 a.m., the second Thursday of the scheduled month at City Hall in Conference Room C.

2.86.100 Duties-Powers-Responsibilities

The powers and functions of the Housing Commission shall be as follows:

  1. To assist the Planning Commission and the City Council in developing housing policies and strategies for implementation of general plan housing element goals;
  2. To recommend policies for implementation and monitoring of affordable housing projects;
  3. To facilitate innovative approaches to affordable housing development and to generate ideas and interest in pursuing a variety of housing options;
  4. When requested by the Director of Community Development or the City Council, to make recommendations to the Planning Commission and the City Council regarding affordable housing proposals in connection with applications for development including, but not limited to, recommendations for possible fee waivers, other incentives, the number and type of affordable units and the target groups to be served. Any referral to the Housing Commission shall be limited to consideration of affordable housing proposals which exceed normal housing requirements under the applicable provisions of the City’s general plan or ordinances related thereto;
  5. To make recommendations regarding requests for money from the CDBG and Affordable Housing Funds;
  6. To provide information about affordable housing;
  7. To meet with neighborhood, community, regional and business groups as necessary to receive input and assist in generating affordable housing;
  8. To help identify sources of funds to develop and build affordable housing;
  9. To perform any other advisory functions authorized by the City Council.

Chair: Connie Cunningham

Vice Chair: Ryan Golze

Staff Liaison: Nicky Vu 

Council Liaison:


Connie Cunningham

Connie Cunningham

Second Term ends on 01/30/2027



Bio: Connie earned her Masters in Public Administration at Harvard University. She managed the Acquisition Division at NASA Ames Research Center for ten years prior to her retirement. Since 2017, She has been actively engaged in community dialogue about affordable housing for all incomes and abilities with residents and at Cupertino City Council meetings. She is pleased to serve on the Commission whose focus is housing for all. As a Commissioner, she supports policies that will address Cupertino’s challenges: Black Lives Matter. Social Justice. Cupertino’s Below Market Rate Housing program. A hand up for all neighbors needing a pathway to permanent housing, including those suffering housing insecurity. Connie has lived in Cupertino over 33 years. She and her husband, Dennis, have two adult children and have six grandchildren aged 9 to 27. Her stepchildren attended Cupertino schools before graduating from college. She and Dennis love to camp. Connie loves birding. She is a member of the Audubon Society, and has over 260 wild birds on her Life List, with her own photos of 40 wild birds in her neighborhood.


Ryan Golze

Ryan Golze

First Term ends on 01/30/2027



Bio: Commissioner biography not yet available.


Govind Tatachari

First Term ends on 01/30/2025



Bio: Commissioner biography not yet available.


Yuyi He

Yuhi He

First Term ends on 01/30/2027



BioBorn in Zhejiang, China in 2001, Yuyi came to the United States at the age of 13. After graduating from college in 2022 she moved to Cupertino. Having been a renter for 6 years, Yuyi is passionate about renters’ rights and their representation within the City. She aims to amplify renters’ voices and encourage more young adults like her to be involved in the operations of the City.

In her free time, Yuyi loves to play badminton and video games. She also likes taking fun classes over the weekend and enjoys eating ice cream.

Feel free to reach out to her about anything, from affordable housing and renters’ rights, to discussing video games or the best ice cream places in town.


Angan Das

Angan Das

First Term ends on 01/30/2025



BioAngan was born and raised in Kolkata, India. He came to the United States in Fall 2003 where he attended the University of Cincinnati, OH. Out of several pleasant memories, the two notable ones are – (1) Angan graduated with a PhD in EE, and (2) He met his future wife, Torsha. They have been Cupertino residents since 2015 and have two kids, Titli and Tintin, currently attending Faria elementary. Angan works in Hardware CAD at Apple, where he feels fortunate to work with some very bright and motivated colleagues. In his spare time, he loves miscellaneous outdoor activities like running and swimming. He is also a great foodie and enjoys exploring local food joints. Angan is actively involved in several volunteering opportunities like Faria school site council, and philanthropic causes like Fiat Lux Foundation.