The primary purpose of the City’s commissions is to serve as advisory bodies to Council by weighing public input and rendering recommendations to the City Council. There are times when the advisory body’s recommendation will not be sustained or will be modified by the City Council. It is important to recognize this not as a rejection of the integrity of the recommendation, but as an inevitable part of the process of community decision-making. The Council has appointed commissioners as advisors to them. This underlying philosophy makes it improper for an individual commissioner, acting in their official capacity, to try to persuade the Council into the acceptance of a recommendation other than that voted by the majority of the commission. The role of a commission is to assist the City Council in the formation of policy, having been created for the purpose of advising. The scope of work, purpose, and other primary functions for each commission can be found in the City Municipal Code Chapter 2.
Arts & Culture Commission |
The Arts and Culture Commission is a group of citizens appointed by the City Council, and their purpose is to foster, encourage and assist in the realization, preservation and advancement of arts and culture for the benefit of the citizens of Cupertino (also see Municipal Code 2.80.080 Powers and Functions). |
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission |
The function of the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission is to review, monitor and make recommendations regarding City transportation matters including but not limited to bicycle and pedestrian traffic, parking, education and recreation within Cupertino (also see Municipal Code 2.92.080 Powers and Functions). |
Housing Commission |
The powers and functions of the Housing Commission shall be as follows:
A. To assist the Planning Commission and the City Council in developing housing policies and strategies for implementation of general plan housing element goals;
B. To recommend policies for implementation and monitoring of affordable housing projects;
C. To facilitate innovative approaches to affordable housing development and to generate ideas and interest in pursuing a variety of housing options;
D. When requested by the Director of Community Development or the City Council, to make recommendations to the Planning Commission and the City Council regarding affordable housing proposals in connection with applications for development including, but not limited to, recommendations for possible fee waivers, other incentives, the number and type of affordable units and the target groups to be served. Any referral to the Housing Commission shall be limited to consideration of affordable housing proposals which exceed normal housing requirements under the applicable provisions of the City’s general plan or ordinances related thereto;
E. To make recommendations regarding requests for money from the CDBG and Affordable Housing Funds;
F. To provide information about affordable housing;
G. To meet with neighborhood, community, regional and business groups as necessary to receive input and assist in generating affordable housing;
H. To help identify sources of funds to develop and build affordable housing;
I. To perform any other advisory functions authorized by the City Council.
Library Commission |
The Library Commission consists of five members appointed by the City Council to four-year, overlapping terms. The commission advises the Council on the adequacy of library service within the community and such other matters relating to library service as specified by the City Council; and serves as liaison between the City and the Santa Clara County library system (also see Municipal Code 2.68.070 Duties–Powers–Responsibilities). |
Parks & Recreation Commission |
The Parks and Recreation Commission consists of five members appointed by the City Council to four-year, overlapping terms. The Commission advises the City Council on municipal activities in relation to parks and recreation, including park site acquisition and development, recreation program policy, and expansion of the park program as development occurs (also see Municipal Code 2.36.080 Duties–Powers–Responsibilities). |
Planning Commission |
The Planning Commission consists of five members appointed by the City Council to overlapping four-year terms. The Commission's primary function is in an advisory role to the Council on land use matters such as specific and general plans, zonings and subdivisions. The commission reviews other matters as specified by City ordinances or Title VII of the Government Code of California (also see Municipal Code 2.32.070 Powers and Functions). |
Public Safety Commission |
The Public Safety Commission consists of five members appointed by the City Council to four-year, overlapping terms. The primary functions are to advise the Council on all areas relating to public safety, traffic, and police, fire and other matters relating to the foregoing (also see Municipal Code 2.60.070 Duties–Responsibilities). |
Sustainability Commission |
The commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council and provides expertise and guidance on major policy and programmatic areas related to the environmental, economic and societal goals noted within Cupertino’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2.0 and General Plan (GP) Environmental Resources/Sustainability Element (also see Municipal Code 2.94.080 Powers and Functions). The Sustainability Commission falls under the Political Reform Act of 1974 and financial disclosure is required. |
Technology, Information & Communication Commission
The TICC Commission advise the City Council on all matters relating to telecommunications within the City of Cupertino, including evaluating compliance with any franchise or other agreement between the City and a telecommunications provider and conducting periodic reviews of providers, facilities, and products. In addition, members serve as liaisons between the City, the public, and telecommunications providers in enhancing education and information. The Commission also provides support for community access television, especially public and educational access, and gives guidance when needed for development and implementation of access channels and programming (also see Municipal Code 2.74.060 Duties, Powers and Responsibilities). |
Teen Commission |
The powers and functions of the Teen Commission are to advise the City Council and staff on issues and projects important to youth (also see Municipal Code 2.95.080 Powers and Functions). |