Town Hall
In an effort to reach more of their constituents, Cupertino City Councilmembers will be hosting Town Hall events every couple of months. This is an opportunity for residents to meet with their local decision makers, ask questions, and discuss the issues that matter most to them.
Town Hall: June 15, 2019
Vice Mayor Liang Chao and Councilmember Jon Willey held an event between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. at Community Hall. Some discussion items included Vallco, Jolleyman Park, voting areas, Lehigh Cement and Quarry, traffic/transportation, and bicycle and pedestrian trails. City Manager Deb Feng was also introduced.
All unanswered questions turned in on comment cards from the June 15 Town Hall have been answered by staff and posted below.
Historically, actual cost exceeds contract bids for many projects. What would happen if a donation of any kind—but for example, Apple’s bike path donation—funds don’t truly cover cost of identified projects?
Typically, donated funds are specified for specific projects and dollar amounts. If the costs of a project exceed the dollar amount provided by a grantor, the additional costs are the responsibility of the City. Subsequent negotiations between the City and the donor may change the funding.
What is the City’s stance regarding ongoing issues—pollution, violations—as well as the proposed quarry expansion? Any update on planned City meetings for community impact? Will City staff or Council attend Lehigh’s June community meetings?
The City has been monitoring applications made by both Lehigh and Stevens Creek Quarry to the County of Santa Clara. Notices of violations are also of concern. The City’s webpage on Lehigh is a good reference. The City will schedule a public community meeting on these topics once the County has determined if the applications are complete. A City staff will be at the Lehigh meeting June 20th to observe.
What is the City’s role, if any, in getting (the homeless) population the help they need?
Here is a summary of the City’s involvement with homelessness programs:
The Veranda Housing Development
Cupertino is the first affordable housing project to provide permanent supportive housing units with Santa Clara County Measure A funds. The Veranda will have six units reserved as permanent supportive housing units for homeless seniors with disabling conditions. Full occupancy is expected in summer 2019.
Below Market Rate (BMR) Housing Program
The City updated the BMR Manual in 2018 to include a new definition of residency accounting for individuals/families experiencing homelessness.
West Valley Community Services- Community Access to Resource and Education (CARE) program
- Program Description: The CARE program incorporates both case management and wrap around services to help at-risk and vulnerable household’s manage crisis and provide stabilization to help them move towards self-sufficiency. The target population of the CARE program includes low-income seniors, families with children, at-risk youth and adults. The CARE program provides homeless prevention services through case management, access to food pantry, and emergency financial assistance.
- FY 2016-17: $32,090 in CDBG Public Service funds to serve 100 households
- FY 2017-18: $32,488 in CDBG Public Service funds to serve 100 households
- FY 2018-19: $35,000 in CDBG Public Service funds to serve 100 households
- FY 2019-20: $35,646 in CDBG Public Service funds to serve 100 households
West Valley Community Services- Haven to Home program
- Program Description: The Haven to Home program helps currently un-housed Cupertino individuals/families secure permanent housing, maintain employment, and enhance income opportunities and financial stability.
- FY 2018-19: $40,000 in General Funds Human Services Grant funds to serve 50 individuals/families
- FY 2019-20: $40,000 in General Funds Human Services Grant funds to serve 50 individuals/families
The Envision Vallco website used to provide data from Opticos surveys. What happened to that data?
The Envision Vallco website was a project-based site that was taken down at the conclusion of the Specific Plan project. All information from that website can be found at
What’s the plan for replacing the Flint Center?
The Flint Center property is owned by the Foothill-De Anza Community College District. Information on its future can be found at