Contact your Legislators

Legislative Process

For information on California's Legislative Process, view this flow chart from Los Angeles Mission College.

How to Submit a Letter

To submit a letter to the California Legislature one must complete a one-time registration on the California Legislature Position Letter Portal.

Once you are registered you will receive your log-in information and you will be able to sign-in and submit a position letter for any pending legislation.

Instructions on How to Register and Submit a Letter(PDF, 355KB)

How to Search for Bills

Bill Text and Status: Search a bill number (ex. AB 14) to view a bill's text, status, and other relevant information.

Bill Searching: If you don't know the bill number of the legislation you are interested in, you can search by key word or code section number. The computer will return a list of all bills that contain the key word you specify. For example, if you specified "housing", you would get a list of all current bills that contain "housing" in the text.

Contact Information on State and Federal Legislators

Residents may contact state and federal legislators using the contact information listed below.

State Legislators

Senator Dave Cortese

Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916.651.4015
Fax: 916.651.4915

Local District Office
2105 S. Bascom Avenue Suite 154
Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: 408.558.1295
Fax: 408.558.1296

Assemblymember Evan Low

Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 4126
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916.319.2028
Fax: 916.319.2128

Local District Office
20111 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 220
Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone: 408.446.2810
Fax: 408.446.2815

Governor Gavin Newsom

Capitol Office
1303 10thStreet, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916.445.2841
Fax: 916.558.3160

Federal Legislators

Congressman R Khanna

Capitol Office
306 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202.225.2631

Local District Office
3150 De La Cruz Blvd Suite 240
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone: 408.436.2720
Fax: 408.436.2721

Senator Dianne Feinstein

Capitol Office
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202.224.3841
Fax: 202.228.3954

Local State Office
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: 415.393.0707
Fax: 415.393.0710

Senator Alex Padilla

Capitol Office
Russel Senate Office Building, Suite B03
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202.224.3553
Fax: 202.224.2200

Local State Office
333 Bush Street, Suite 3224
San Francisco, CA 94104