Environment & Sustainability

Welcome to Cupertino's Environment and Sustainability Department page. Discover our City's initiatives for a greener future, including climate action, waste management, water conservation, and sustainable transportation. Find information on local programs, upcoming events, and resources to help you contribute to a sustainable future. Check out our sustainability highlights!


Environmental and Sustainability Teams

The Sustainability and Environmental Programs teams are committed to maintaining our City as a sustainable and healthy place to live, learn, work and play for all our community members.

There is no Planet B - Help us create a more sustainable Cupertino

  • The Sustainability Team oversees:

    • Climate Action Plan 2.0
    • Energy efficiency and renewable energy
    • Water conservation and drought resources
    • Alternative transportation
    • Earth and Arbor Day Festival
    • Green Business
    • and other sustainable actions

    The Environmental Programs Team manages:

    • Waste disposal services in partnership with Recology
    • Compost site and distribution
    • Compost education
    • Creek protection
    • Litter reduction and storm drain systems
    • Annual Garage Sale event
    • Bag ban and Single-use Foodware Ordinance
    • State and federal requirements
    • and much more

Cupertino Sustainability Commission

The Cupertino Sustainability Commission consists of five members appointed by the City Council to provide expertise and guidance on policy areas related to the City’s Climate Action Plan. The Commission meets quarterly at 4 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month. Visit cupertino.legistar.com to view meeting schedule and agendas.



Partners & Affiliations

Compact of Mayors graphic

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Recology South Bay_Logo_FullColor_Digital.png 
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