Youth and Scout Projects

Teen Resource Fair Booth
Scouts at July 4th
YAB Teen Resource Fair
Scouts at Cupertino Campout

Thank you for your interest in completing your project with the City of Cupertino’s Parks and Recreation Department! We value our youth and their contributions to the community, and support opportunities for them to learn the skills of leadership, project management, and taking responsibility for a significant accomplishment.

The City welcomes ideas from our scouts that would benefit our parks, trails, community facilities and city landscape. It is the responsibility of the Youth, in keeping with the spirit of the project, to approach the City with their own idea for a project and then to work closely with the City in implementing the proposal. Proposed projects should be mutually beneficial to the Scout and the City and address an identified need for the community. A big portion of your project may be the raising of adequate funds to complete the project. It is the responsibility of the Youth to provide funding for the project through donations of time, material and/or money from members of the community. The City has limited funds and only, in rare circumstances, will participate in funding the project. Viable projects should not require excessive or expensive maintenance and should be installed in an appropriate amount of time. The City’s preference is to preserve the existing facility and park maintenance operations. We strongly encourage applicants to have a plan for continued preservation of the completed project.

To learn more about Cupertino's Parks, check out our City Parks and Facilities webpage. You may also refer to the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan to help you identify a project. These are items that came out of the City’s Parks and Recreation System Master Plan and community outreach, and would offer a great place for project ideas. 

To propose a project to the Parks and Recreation Department, please submit the following information on your Project Request Form:

  • Project Name
  • Proposed Location
  • Timeline
  • Project Description and Benefit
  • List of Materials/Supplies
  • Preliminary Budget/Funding Source
  • Maintenance Information
  • Safety Information

All submitted proposals must provide complete information to be considered for review. Upon proposal evaluation, if the project is of the City’s interest, the candidate will be invited to interview with City staff to discuss details of the project. Once a project has been approved, the candidate will work with City project lead to develop a plan for implementing the project and set up a schedule to accomplish the project. 

Please allow 8 weeks minimum to process your proposal, ideally 12- 16 weeks advance notice is suggested. We will do the best we can to accommodate your request, however, due to ongoing City projects, schedules, and community needs, please note that not all requests will be granted. The City is under no obligation to accept any project proposal and reserves the right to reject any project.