City Opportunities

Bid, Apply or Volunteer

Here is the list of the online services and apps that currently are available or coming soon in this category. Click the name of the service or app you in which you are interested to access it and get more info.

Name Description
Bids and RFPs Access listings of open bids, open RFPs, City construction projects and development projects.
City Jobs See list of job openings with descriptions and salary info; download employment application; and, apply online for a position.
Commission Membership See City Commission vacancies and submit an application for a commission seat online.
Cupertino Poet Laureate

See details about the Cupertino Poet Laureate honorary, volunteer position which is
sponsored by the City of Cupertino.

Volunteer Info

See opportunities to get involved in groups, committees, commissions, projects and events that benefit the community.

Volunteer Portal

Search volunteer needs by type of task, frequency needed and other factors.

More Info