Illegal Dumping

Illegal Dumping/Discharges In or Near Storm Drains

Nothing besides rain water may be dumped or allowed to flow into a storm drain. Common examples of illegal discharges include pesticides, wash waters, sewage, automotive fluids, paint, construction materials and wastes, sediment and/or silt, and food wastes.

To report an illegal discharge or dumping incident, contact the City of Cupertino:

  • Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.: (408) 777-3354 
  • Monday- Friday, 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.: (408) 777-3269
  • After Hours: (408) 299-2507 (Santa Clara County Communications will notify the City's on-call staff) 
  • Report illegal dumping or discharges online during business hours only. Please do not report dumping or discharges online after hours (before 7:30 a.m. or after 5:30 p.m.).  

When do you report an illegal discharge or dumping?

  • When you see a person dumping anything into a storm drain or gutter - this activity is illegal
  • When you observe a sewage overflow (you may see a round manhole type cover marked "sewer" in front of a home or business that has popped up to allow sewage to emerge)
  • When you notice unusual odors in or near a storm drain 
  • When you see waste materials in or near a storm drain
  • When you hear a lot of water in the storm drain during dry periods